I don't know where August went, but it was mostly spent enjoying the little bit of summer left in the states and catching up with friends and family before an intense journey to FINALLY graduate. September is here and I'm back in Philadelphia for my Senior year at Moore. There was so much happening in the month of July that I completely lost track of updating this blog. So here we go...
One of the messiest, yet still favorite art moment with my 10-12 year olds (mainly because it was my first time teaching paper-mache). Day one of this project and our goal was to lay strips of newspaper, dipped in a flour and water mixture, over and around the balloons in a cross-hatching pattern, halfway only. Once they dried after a few days, we popped balloons and had bowls to paint with Pre-Incan stylized drawings based on the culture's pottery and ceramics.
Setting up the balloons with toilet paper rolls (helped to keep them from flopping around) but through this trial and error, the balloons still slipped and slid around the tables, which is what made the class alot more fun.
One of my students, Cindy, needed some help keeping the balloon sturdy.Demonstrating the paper-mache technique.
One of my class clowns, Gian Piere, with a handprint on his cheek.
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